The private initiative #health4ukraine cares for persons and persons in need of care with physical and mental disabilities and is looking for free care places for these handicapped fellow human beings from Ukraine (further information and reporting of free capacities at
A few days after the war began, #health4ukraine can already look back on a long list of successful transports and placements.
But that's not enough!
A special donation account set up by Caritas now helps #health4ukraine to buy fuel for the transports, food and things for daily life for those in need through monetary donations. Furthermore, the private initiative supports a Polish collective accommodation with the donations, in which the people in need of care are accommodated until they are picked up. Thus, the donations will directly help the needy people from the war zone in Ukraine.
Please donate under the keyword health4ukraine by bank transfer to the account:
Bank: Raiffeisen-Volksbank Miltenberg eG
Account holder: Caritas-Sozialstation St. Johannes e.V.
IBAN: DE23 5086 3513 0603 2650 05
Purpose: health4ukraine (please always specify)
A donation receipt can be issued. For this case, please additionally enter your address in the purpose of use.
To the aid campaign:
The relief action under the hashtag #health4ukraine is a private initiative of Christine Vogler (, Sascha Platen ( and Björn Zeien (örn-zeien), which is supported by voluntary donations and services from private individuals and companies. The campaign can be reached at
Alexander Wackerbeck, Alexandra Jorzig, Andreas Huber, Andreas Lange, Anne Latz, Benedikt Grütz, Birgit Fischer, Christian Hieronimi, Daniela Wiesler, David Matusiewicz, Dominik Böhler, Fabian Demmelhuber, Felix Dorn, Hagen Sexauer, Hendrik Müller, Inga Bergen, Irene Maier, Jörg Westphal, Linus Drop, Marcell Jansen, Marcus Bergler, Mark Langguth, Matthias Krüger, Max Tischler, Michael Weiss, Miriam Schnürer, Nina Buschek, Nina Montenero, Peter Laaks, Regina Mühlich, Stephan Schilling, Tanja Heiß, Tobias Krick, Tom Mühlmann, Tobias Gantner, Jörg Traub, Tobias Wiening, Uwe Imkamp, Marco Giannecchini, Patrick van Oirschot, Robert M. Liefke, Sabrina Kühn, Sylvia Thun, Sascha Platen, Adrian Schuster, Ulrich Hemel, Verena Völter, Miriam Moser